Tuesday, 18 August 2015

14th Amendment - Equal before the law

14th Amendment

“Equal protection of the laws”

Weldon Angelos was just 24 years old when he was sentenced to 55 years in federal prison for three marijuana sales. You would like to think it is an oddity or a mistake in the justice system, however Weldon it actually one of the hundreds of thousands of federal prisoners serving decades-long sentences for non-violent crimes, thanks to mandatory minimum sentencing laws created in the 1980s during America’s war on drugs.[1]

In Weldon’s case it is unlikely he will live long enough to experience freedom, get married or have a family.  The Judge that put him there, Paul Cassell sat on the same Federal bench as another Judge in Utah, David O. Nuffer. 

In the words of Judge Cassell, “I sometimes drive near the prison where he’s held, and I think, ‘Gosh he shouldn’t be there. Certainly not as long as I had to send him there. ... That wasn’t the right thing to do. The system forced me to do it.” 

Now coincidentally Egor Chernov, Russian immigrant living in Lehi, Utah and Weldon Angelos shared the same attorney, Jerome Mooney.  When Judge Nuffer received the pre-trial affidavit on Egor Chernov, it stated, “This fraudulent passports is inextricably tied to other criminal conspiracies.”  It outlined how Egor Chernov had ordered the murder of an American, Rex Judd.

Judge Cassell sentenced, Weldon Angelos to 55 years in jail for the non-violent crime of selling marijuana, while carrying a firearm (without it ever being brandished or seen by anyone other than one government witness).  On the other hand, Judge Nuffer sentenced Egor Chernov, the head of  a Russian mafia gang that in my testimony and Paul Combs, before the longest serving grand jury in Utah, ordered the murder of Rex Judd and the kidnapping and murder of me.

Let me start on September 15th, 2005, Rex Judd, a businessman, from upstate New York boarded a plane at JFK. His wife Lori Judd dropped him as she pecked him lightly on the cheek, he jumped out of the car curbside. She thought he would be back in two weeks. It would be the last time she would see Judd alive or dead.

Egor Chernov woke up early on a September morning two week prior to send the wire for the rental of the sailboat from Western Union in Walmart just off route 15 in Lehi, Utah to Pattaya as reported by Paul Combs in a statement to the FBI.

As Judd flew across the Pacific hitting small turbulence two Australians, it was stated by Paul Combs to the FBI prepared the chains and batteries for Judd's arrival in Pattaya, Thailand.

When Judd arrived he was given drinks spiked with Xanax or as the murderers called it, lobster blood, the same drink they offered to me in Phuket, before the Taser.

Paul Combs told how the Australians reported to have loaded Rex Judd onto a flatbed small truck for the short ride to his hotel. It was reported by the hotel staff that Judd never checked-in that night. In the early morning hours, in the shipping lanes of the Andaman Sea, one of the Australians reported to Paul Combs and Egor Chernov that Rex Judd had his teeth knocked out with a large wrench and his body tied with chains to old car batteries. He slowly drifted to his watery grave at the bottom of the Andaman Sea.

Chernov, a Russian immigrant in Salt Lake City, Utah, arranged one more time for the Australians to book a sailboat in March, 2006 as he prepared to head back to Thailand. This time his victim would be me. This was reported to me by FBI Special Agent Gregory A. Coleman as it was revealed during his investigation.

I arrived with my wife, my elder son and our one year old son in Phuket, Thailand for a family vacation. It was discovered during the investigation by the FBI, on a prior trip in January, 2006, the Australians had stalked and targeted my wife, Lisa, and I for torture and death under the orders of Chernov. Our fate had been sealed until Paul Combs, who at the time posed as Michael Woods, realized my cousin, Steve Dewhurst, and was one of his golfing buddies from Florida. Paul Combs would not participate and this caused a delay in their plans until we returned in March, 2006.

We returned to Phuket in late March, 2006, unsuspecting and ready to enjoy a family vacation. I ended up on a sailboat in Phuket Marina, the afternoon of March 29th, where I had been lured by Chernov.  He used a fraudulent invitation sent from Salt Lake City, Utah to me, falsely claiming to be from DBS Securities COO, Frank Wong.  On a sunny day on the shores of the azure Andaman Sea in Phuket Chernov ordered his hired assassins to taser me.  They attempted to kidnap and murder me and to bury me in the same watery grave as Rex Judd. In the most extraordinary circumstances aided by some incredible luck I escaped.

Buddha says, "There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting."

After escaping from Thailand, with the aid of the British Embassy providing a police convoy to the airport, we arrived in Hong Kong in early

April, 2006. I immediately, started an investigation to seek justice against these criminals. I had no idea at the time where it would eventually lead.

It was in the course of this investigation I discovered that Michael Woods, the co-conspirator and associate of Chernov was a close friend of my cousin, Steve Dewhurst and named Paul Combs who lived in Davie, Florida.

As I continued my investigation with the American Embassy an American Security Agent, Andrew Loftus from the U.S. Embassy in Thailand called and informed me, Rex Judd, our friend, who disappeared in September, 2005, was dead. I was shocked and realized how fortunate I was to have escaped.

It was now time to dig deeper so I spent the next few months investigating the background of the Russians and others that participated in the murder of Rex Judd and attempted murder of me. It was discovered they were based in Salt Lake City but their main source of funding and protection came from Moscow. They infiltrated American society to extract as much money and information as possible.

The FBI assigned Special Agent Gregory Coleman, of Wolf of Wall Street fame, to the case in early May, 2005. He began his investigation but required in his words, a witness, physical evidence and the names of the actual murderers. He contacted Alan Loftus in the American Embassy in Thailand in order to get the background on the disappearance of Judd. In view of his requirements, I continued to investigate.

The break came when I got a call from a Scott Vanderweel, an American friend of Rex Judd and a financial victim of Chernov and his gang. He informed me he was golfing with Michael Woods, a.k.a. Paul Combs, the American from Florida, we had met in Thailand and that Combs wanted to speak to me.

The next day I got a call from Combs and he informed me of the facts behind this case, he stated he was present in Phuket when Chernov gave the order to murder Rex Judd. Further, he flew out of Phuket to Singapore with Chernov to provide an alibi at the time Rex Judd was murdered.

They returned one day after Judd's murder and Combs obtained all his possessions including his wedding ring, cufflinks and credit cards. The cards were shredded and spread in the garden in Phuket however he still had the cufflinks and wedding band belonging to Judd.

Michael Woods, who I now knew as Paul Combs explained to me, at this point in time, he posed as Michael Woods, after being hired by Chernov to extort and murder me. As a matter of fact, he had seen my cousin at J.C. Penny earlier that week and was sorry he participated. Further, he told how the aim of Chernov was to get my computer and access to my Swiss and Bermudian bank accounts after I was dead.

I was extremely confident I could provide a witness, the murderers and physical evidence that Special Agent Gregory Coleman of Wolf of Wall Street fame had said he needed to prosecute and convict Chernov of murder. It was clear Combs felt he owed me after agreeing with Chernov as he stated, to assist in my murder.

In the end, I talked Paul Combs in to providing the information to the FBI. He also gave a lengthy statement to Special Agent Gregory Coleman and other agents in New York. There was a bonus, Combs had the fraudulent passports and ID for Chernov and Lori Judd Rex Judd's wife. This was an added criminal offense, providing false passports and/or traveling on one.

FBI Agent Coleman now assured me, he would be able to prosecute and convict Egor Chernov of the crimes committed.

The subpoena came for me and my family to testify before the longest sitting grand jury in Utah history in June, 2007. After a long wait we were content justice would now be served. The U.S. Attorney Jennifer Shasky Calvery informed me she was extremely cautious relating to any media attention to this case, due to the personal safety concerns for me and my family. Finally, we were assured Egor Chernov would face a judge and jury and we would be entitled in the least to give a victim impact statement, in the event he plead guilty.

On arriving in Salt Lake City, I read the affidavit provided by Special Agent, Coleman, it stated clearly, "the fraudulent passports are inextricably intertwined with the criminal activity." The only surprise was they arrested their key cooperating witness, Paul Combs, whom had stated they had promised immunity to get him to testify against Chernov.  I was stunned. How the key witness could be arrested and expected to cooperate was beyond my comprehension.


I met with the Special Agent Gregory Coleman in New York City in mid-June, 2008.  Coleman informed me that the incompetency of the Justice Department prevented him from charging Chernov. He now told me he had a new U.S. Attorney out of New York who would do so. I was told Chernov had provided them with a lot of sensitive information and if the Russians realized the extent of his cooperation with the U.S. State Department his life would be in danger. I sensed the tone of Coleman's voice, it was clear in my opinion, he was not sure Chernov would ever be prosecuted.

We continued to wait for years as we got calls every few months from the FBI and Justice Department promising us charges were forthcoming.  All the files in the case were sealed in early 2010 as a matter of national security.

Egor Chernov applied for a Presidential pardon in 2010 for a service he had provided to America. In late 2010 Anna Chapman and nine other Russian spies, were arrested we were told by the U.S. Attorney, Michael Farbiarz this was the ‘tip of the iceberg’. Coincidentally they were lured with the same type of fake passports Egor Chernov produced.[2]

Paul Combs, the prosecution’s number one cooperating witness, was released from jail against the strong protests of the U.S. Attorney in January, 2010. He returned to Florida after two and half years in jail. He called me and promised he had all the information to blow the case wide open and expose the corruption. One more time and one last chance, I felt justice was at hand. We were to meet in July, 2010.

On June 7th, 2010 I got a call from FBI Special Agent, Gregory Coleman. He spoke to me at length of how the case was proceeding and new information from Thailand and Russia was coming in now that the incompetent U.S. Attorney had been replaced. One more time, he convinced me that Paul Combs was free so we could proceed and get justice.

One hour after I hung up I got a call from a reporter in Canada as most U.S. reporters would not investigate or report the murder of Rex Judd or conviction of Egor Chernov. It was one of the best kept secrets in U.S. legal history. The reporter from Canada, Ethan Barron, informed me Paul Combs was dead.

My fingers trembled as I dialed back to Special Agent Greg Coleman. He picked up and dead-panned (no pun intended) as he denied Combs was dead or in the least he had not been informed of this fact. However two hours later he called back and informed me that it was true; Paul Combs was dead of suicide. It was a gunshot wound to the head while Combs was drunk and depressed.

Now I was afraid for me and my family as Rex Judd was dead.  It was three years since Chernov had been arrested, Weldon Angelos was now serving his sixth year of his fifty-five year sentence for trafficking in $350 worth of marijuana and no charges laid against a Russian murderer and now the main witness was dead from suicide.

Strangely when I spoke to Paul Combs he was upbeat and intent on exposing Chernov as a spy and the Justice Department for corruption. Now a convicted felon had a gun registered in his own name was drunk and adjudicated by the medical examiner in record time to have committed suicide. When the autopsy report was released there was not one drop of alcohol or drugs in his system.

June 11, 2011 Egor Chernov flew out of America to Moscow. In the case of Weldon Angelos, Jerome Mooney’s other client in the Federal justice system, his release date is 2051, given that here is no parole in the Federal justice system.  I found it strange and Chernov served only half of his federal sentence of fifty-one months.  Additionally he did not have to go through the normal deportation center as other foreign criminals are subjected. Egor M. Chernov had got away with murder and U.S. Attorney, Jennifer Shasky Calvery, U.S. Attorney Gregory Lisa and Special Agent Gregory Coleman told me they knew this fact.[3]

The Fourteenth amendment to the United States constitution states, "equal protection of the laws", every citizen or naturalized American is to be treated equally under the law.  Perhaps Egor Chernov was lucky he was an immigrant.

Weldon Angelos today, Jerome Mooney’s client from Utah, languishes in jail for selling three hundred and fifty dollars’ worth of marijuana, Egor Chernov enjoy life as a free man traveling throughout Europe and Asia.  The number one witness to Egor Chernov’s murder spree Paul Combs is dead from a gunshot wound to the head.  Rex Judd, the murdered victim of Chernov, body remains chained to batteries at the bottom of the Andaman Sea.  Jennifer Shasky Calvery, the chief U.S. Attorney has been promoted to the Head of FinCen in the treasury department.  Special Agent Gregory Coleman retired and never misses a paid interview or paid speaking engagement on the inconsequential rich kid, Jordan Belfort, a.k.a. The Wolf of Wall Street.  He will not speak to any reporter or interviewer about Egor Chernov.  I live with my family in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, where we have had death threats and been warned not to speak.  In honour of Rex Judd and Weldon Angelos, two victims of a corrupt legal system I will not be silenced.

A great man said, “The only thing it takes for evil to succeed is for good men (and women) to do nothing.”  It is time for Americans to demand equal justice under the law.

[1] http://abcnews.go.com/US/federal-judge-regrets-55-year-marijuana-sentence/story?id=28869467
[2] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1290810/Russian-spy-ring-Anna-Chapmans-mistakes.html
[3] http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_7275088

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